Thursday, November 21st, 2002
Adventures In Blogging
Spent tonight playing with Nucleus, got far enough to realize that it’s not going to retrofit on top of my current site… It’s going to have to wait until I get to chromewaves 3.0 before it gets implemented. Same goes for the URL rewrite engine that I want to get working. It just makes more sense to build the site around the underlying technologies and architectures than try to force them into the existing site. Nucleus is pretty nice. Imported my Blogger entries without a hitch.
Speaking of Blogger, it’s starting to tick me off – mainly the archive functions. Sometimes they publish nicely, other times they just go to kack. I’ve bypassed the javascript it used to include the archive links because they were throwing up bizarre javascript errors… It works better now and is more navigable, but it does serve as a reminder that I need a better, more robust system.
np – The 6ths / Wasp’s Nest